DCP Staff Advisory


The benefits of a great staff are invaluable. They drive innovation, enhance productivity, and foster a positive work culture. A skilled and motivated team can effectively tackle challenges, deliver exceptional results, and contribute to the long-term success of DCP. Their collective expertise, collaboration, and dedication form the backbone of any thriving college at the University of Florida

dcp staff represents

The following schools and departments


Construction Management​

Landscape Architecture

Interior design​

Dean’s Office

Urban and Regional Planning​

About Us

The staff at the University of Florida’s College of Design, Construction and Planning are a diverse and dedicated group, committed to providing exceptional support and guidance to Faculty and students while contributing to the institution’s academic excellence and vibrant campus community.

In contributing to the university’s academic excellence, the staff not only ensures the efficient operation of the college but also actively participates in the institution’s larger goal of pushing boundaries and generating knowledge. Their dedication and passion resonate with students, faculty, and the entire university community, creating an environment where ideas thrive and where every individual is valued and supported.


Job Duties

We are currently updating the list of job duties.

DCP staff love to collaborate
and make awesome
content. Let’s talk!

Architecture Building, Room 331
1480 Inner Road