Clark and Kohen attend UIA 2014 World Congress Durban South Africa


SoA professors, Nancy Clark and Martha Kohen, attended the International Union of Architects UIA XXV World Congress Edition, Aug. 3 – 8, in the city of Durban in South Africa. The Congress was attended by more than 5000 delegates from around the world who presented, discussed and exhibited their ideas on the theme, “Architecture Otherwhere: Resilience, Ecology, Values.”

Clark was selected by the scientific committee to serve as Chair of a Partner Programme of the Congress. Both Clark and Kohen presented papers and co-moderated two full-day sessions of international speakers, including a symposium held the first day of the Urban Waterways Program.

A 30 panel Urban Waterways exhibition, hosted and organized by the Consortium for Hydro-Generated Urbanism, showed the GSoA design research on urban waterways in collaboration with scholars from Brazil and Slovenia. The exhibition was mounted in the International Convention Center Exhibition Hall and visited by delegates.
As a member of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO CHAIR on Sustainable Urban Quality and Culture, Kohen participated in the three monthly meetings in Durban. Both Clark and Kohen were members of the final jury of the Durban Workshop.

Clark and Kohen have been invited, by the organizers of the UIA 2017 XXVI World Congress in Seoul, North Korea, to apply to organize the Seoul Workshop.